What an exhausting weekend.
Thursday we had a most wonderful dance party at the coffeehouse. It was great good fun except for one ego was bruised because she imagined she had been "left out" and probably still feels like that but I managed to smoothe the ruffled feathers. People are so silly. I am fed to the teeth with high horses and monster egos. Enough already.
Friday we had two acoustic shoe-gazers come widdly-widdly into the wee hours; a glassful of wine helps the widdly-widdly "we haven't practiced much together" crap go down easier. Much more fun was when KJ's 3-year old daughter told me she was going to sing and I was going to dance. It was much better than the acoustic shoe-gazer widdly-widdlies. KJ supplied a good rhythm guitar, the impertinent little one sang a song about hot dogs and the coffeehouse and strawberry cream sodas and taking a bath and having to go to bed, and I danced for them. It helped that I was in an altered state (cough cough) but it was truly the highlight of the night. That, and I enjoyed happily staggering around the block in the rain with an equally tipsy S, looking at all the irises and cherry blossoms and empty shops, street lights reflecting on windows.
Saturday night we had the singer-poet S calls "Glo Butt" come & do his Dr. Suess impersonation, and they brought a good crowd. They also had the Cowgirl with her hula-hoops come. Cowgirl rocks like granite, she is awesome. Big silver nose ring, dred locks under a well-worn cowboy hat, tiny little damn hot body, spins two hula hoops around her waist while dancing. I have a huge crush on her. Another late night but it's okay, it's all good, S talked to D and KJ about becoming pardners because otherwise the coffeeshop is doomed... more later. Too fucking depressing.
Sunday was nice. Sunday night we went to R & L's for hamburgers & had great fun gabbing away with them until 1:30 when we realized the lateness of the hour and the necessity for bed.
And let us praise kitties who wake us up at exactly 6:30 because we accidentally forgot to set the alarm.
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