
In preparation for all the fun and dancing this evening, for lunch I ate BEANS
(mad cackle as that "beans beans the musical fruit" song jangles in my head).

Actually, I ate rice with chipotle sauce and avocados; I just wanted to say I ate beans.

And once again I get to go home 2 hours early because my boss rocks. Oh yeah baby.

I'm muddling through this blog thing here; I never thought I'd have an online journal. Seemed strange to me. But it sort of... expands the universe. I mean, I could be anything. I could be a bald giant dressed all in purple.

I could believe in Coyotes and time as an abstract.

I could be a beautiful free spirit from Ghana.

I could be a world traveler poet.

And maybe, I might just be me. Eating beans before a dance performance (more giggling-- really I didn't but the thought DID cross my mind... twice or thrice now...).

The sun is shining. I'm going home to get my bicycle and take a quick ride & a quicker shower before getting gussied up in heavy jangly noisy coin belts and enormous silk skirt and tiny little bejeweled top... gotta remember to buy some vino, also. Oh yes. A good time will be had by all.

Happy May Day.