
My friend M is having problems with her fiance.

I personally thought they had rushed in a bit fast but I could've said it till I was blue in the face, sex makes people crazy.

So M and C lived together for a very short time before they got engaged.

Both have so much emotional baggage -- in a nutshell, she was abused by her father and has never had a relationship with a real man, has two wonderful kids, is an honest hard-working single mom who dabbles slightly in tarot reading and herbalism. C has been married twice, is addicted to alcohol and porn and lechery, and tries to impose his "Christian" views on M without explaining what those views are, probably because he himself doesn't know.

Further, it's not the porn part that bothers her so much as the strip bars and the lying about the porn that bothers her. The alcohol bothers her because he says some mean bullshit when he's drunk. The lechery really bothers her, especially when they're supposed to be out together on a date to celebrate their engagement and he can't keep his eyes off the waitresses' tits.

Once when he was exceedingly drunk and they were discussing the $160 internet porn bill she had just gotten in the mail, he told her she doesn't deserve a Christian man. She taped it to the fridge and asked him what was the Christian part, the porn or the alcohol.

He also told her, upon coming home at 3am, that he had prayed to Jesus she would be dead so he wouldn't have to fight with her.
I told her it sure wasn't Jesus he was praying to.

I also told her to kick him out; she said she couldn't afford the rental house with her paycheck alone and she doesn't have the energy to do it.

She might even want to work it out, but only if he quits his deviant ways, and for such a thing there is no quick fix.

It's a big stinky diaper.