
Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery.

Tonight my girlfriend R performs in a club in Corvallis. She finished her red costume Monday & wore it to class last night to make certian it would stay in place despite the shimmies and twists. It's lovely, dark red velvet decorated with chains and faceted gold beads. Understated. Beautiful. Ring them bells.

This house woulda burned down a long time ago.

Tomorrow KJ & his daughters are coming for dinner. KJ is Iranian, and was part of the workers & peasants party in Iran. He fled to Iceland from political persecution after his best friend was executed.
His daughters are Iranian & Icelandic and they are just heart-achingly beautiful.

I ain't done nothin since I woke up today.

Also tomorrow our old college friend Rob is arriving with his brother. They're attending a funeral for their great uncle and grandmother, who died in a house fire.
Rob is one of those really smart people who acts like he doesn't know anything. He was a forward observer in the 82nd Airborne. I met him because he was also an English major, & S knew him through College Bowl. One night S & Rob & I were playing Trivial Pursuit & Rob was losing until he took off his boots & socks. He actually said, "Oh wow, my feet kind of smell. Hm. Well that's just too bad for you" and proceeded to win.

Make me a poster of that old rodeo.