[3/13/2003 9:44:53 AM |
VERY surreal experience last night.
I went with R, who was performing Middle Eastern dance at the Eugene Country Club for a Morroccan dinner. The aging population of the super-rich golfers were possibly embarrassed about watching a bare-bellied beautiful woman shimmying? She did it very discreetly, didn't dress scandalously, wore a full sleeve choli top and a floor-length skirt, nothing too revealing.
For the first part of her performance she wore her veil, too. People finally started watching her when she did her double-veil dance, spinning and whirling and level changes and half crescents and everything amazing R can do with two pieces of gauzy purple cloth. I kept time with my zills, since the music provided by her own cassette player was not very loud. The fashionably tall grey-haired gent next to me seemed to enjoy it.
It was fun going as her assistant... I am very happy I didn't have to perform! Bunch of old penguins standing around gossiping and drinking their Chardonnay. She said it was $60 for the easiest 10 minutes of dancing she had ever done-- it wasn't like the bellydance community crowd, who know the moves and even if they can't do the move they've seen someone else do it better or think they've seen better. Catty bullshit.
No, this was a bunch of stodgy old "I say Old Bean, didn't I see you at the Penninsula Club last week?" "No, I haven't been there in years" dressed up in suits and ties and women in glittering diamonds and all in black. My boss hates the snobs and said it's over $100,000 to join the Club, don't you know, and you have to have been invited of course. And none of them had seen a bellydancer, certainly not since the last time they were in Cairo in the 70s.
There was one old lady encrusted with jewels giving R the juice, she had a walker & was seated at the nearest table. R flirted with her a couple times & said the woman smiled and said, "Oh, YES! Very good! Delightful, dear!" while she was dancing.
Very very strange. Strange, too, how empty the place was. I joked how easy it would be to rob the place blind, all the silver platters and trophies, or even go in there with four guys and pistols, hold up all the richies while the little old lady with the walker smiled and said, "Oh, YES! Very good! Delightful, dear!" because it was the most exciting thing that had happened at the Eugene Country Club in the past 50 years.
VERY surreal experience last night.
I went with R, who was performing Middle Eastern dance at the Eugene Country Club for a Morroccan dinner. The aging population of the super-rich golfers were possibly embarrassed about watching a bare-bellied beautiful woman shimmying? She did it very discreetly, didn't dress scandalously, wore a full sleeve choli top and a floor-length skirt, nothing too revealing.
For the first part of her performance she wore her veil, too. People finally started watching her when she did her double-veil dance, spinning and whirling and level changes and half crescents and everything amazing R can do with two pieces of gauzy purple cloth. I kept time with my zills, since the music provided by her own cassette player was not very loud. The fashionably tall grey-haired gent next to me seemed to enjoy it.
It was fun going as her assistant... I am very happy I didn't have to perform! Bunch of old penguins standing around gossiping and drinking their Chardonnay. She said it was $60 for the easiest 10 minutes of dancing she had ever done-- it wasn't like the bellydance community crowd, who know the moves and even if they can't do the move they've seen someone else do it better or think they've seen better. Catty bullshit.
No, this was a bunch of stodgy old "I say Old Bean, didn't I see you at the Penninsula Club last week?" "No, I haven't been there in years" dressed up in suits and ties and women in glittering diamonds and all in black. My boss hates the snobs and said it's over $100,000 to join the Club, don't you know, and you have to have been invited of course. And none of them had seen a bellydancer, certainly not since the last time they were in Cairo in the 70s.
There was one old lady encrusted with jewels giving R the juice, she had a walker & was seated at the nearest table. R flirted with her a couple times & said the woman smiled and said, "Oh, YES! Very good! Delightful, dear!" while she was dancing.
Very very strange. Strange, too, how empty the place was. I joked how easy it would be to rob the place blind, all the silver platters and trophies, or even go in there with four guys and pistols, hold up all the richies while the little old lady with the walker smiled and said, "Oh, YES! Very good! Delightful, dear!" because it was the most exciting thing that had happened at the Eugene Country Club in the past 50 years.
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