
After seven years of marriage, during which we've explored all sorts of things about the other, I learned a somewhat disturbing thing about my husband.

He can't roll his tongue.
I understand it's genetic, and that poses a quandry. What if we have a child who can't roll his or her tongue? Then I'll be the only tongue-roller in the family. Then instead of this strange haughty ha ha you can't roll your tongue feeling, I might end up being viewed as a genetic mutant tongue-rolling freak, the odd one out.

Shall I conform, and cease my tongue-rolling ways? Or shall I be proud of my heritage and practice it with pleasure, display my difference for all to see? Look, my tongue can do amazing things. I can rifle a pea with insane accuracy. I can wrap my tongue around the straw. What talents I have to pass on to any offspring! But then S might feel left out, with his non-tongue-rolling self. I wouldn't really want him to feel alienated, I'm no star-bellied sneech.

But my tongue is super-tricksy.