
I'm flyin south. I'll return Monday.
California here I come. In big boots.

I hope to hook up with The Fish Goddess sometime.
The San Francisco weather promises rain.

I'm sharing a hotel room with a coworker and hope she doesn't snore.

I'm taking a choke chain, five pairs of hand-made gloves, and a video tape. The security guards at the airport will have fun with my bag, no doubt. Truth is I'm meeting my Mom for the weekend & she left the video and dog chain at my house last Christmas. The gloves are gifts for people who helped with my Grandma when her health failed last spring.

I'll miss the weekend with my darling. Especially Sunday morning when neither of us has to get up, and he cooks a delicious breakfast, and we plan our lazy day together.

If you haven't yet, go read Zulieka. She makes me blush.