
Today I am wearing my wife beater tank top and a big silver chain. I also have on a long sleeved wine-colored shirt that I rediscovered in the back seat of my car when I cleaned it out last weekend. Last night I even painted my toenails a wine color with the intention of wearing the wine-colored shirt. Just call me a wino. Normally my attire is not premeditated at all; I get up and I pull on whatever is clean and comfy.

The last time I had painted my toenails, since I have a limited selection of nail polish, I layered two colors. It ended up being this metallic bronzy gold-green, which suited me just fine since I wear a lot of earth tone clothes, but it was time for a change.
Time for wine.

Just overheard in the office:
"Oh yeah, that was when that drunk guy was out riding his horse and he kept slipping over to the side and he was groaning and slurring something that sounded like 'Ditch Mitch.'"