
The best carrot cake I ever had was in Katmandu.

Possibly my favorite, completely unexpected sentence I’ve ever heard, and he wasn’t trying to be poetic. B. tells the best world travel stories interspersed with comedic anecdotes about preparing his system for eating food in third world countries, stories of food poisoning, local medicine, mishaps, accidents, natural disasters, and fish, snakes, bugs, and birds.

We spent Easter with B. & Ve, recently returned from three years in North Dakota, which Ve said was like a drab dream about snow and ice skating and bowling that she can’t quite remember. The girls are getting so big, such beautiful and ferocious children, and they love to give hugs. Mae earnestly and with flourishes in her big little girl voice sang The Star Spangled Banner for us after we had our coats and shoes on and were all ready to leave.

One step back.

We worked in the yard Sunday morning, pulled weeds and trimmed berries and tossed snails. The sun made us exhale and blink, we could hear the ground drinking the water from the previous night’s deluge, muddy muck burble gurgle beneath the straw lining the paths in the garden. The tall canes of raspberries with all their fresh fleshy growth waved as the big clouds rolled shadowy and low over the land. The whole world reverberates with the green swell of grass, a wet rushing tide threatening to clog the blades of mowers. All the apple trees, gnarled and old twisted giants and slender smooth unproven saplings, have exploded with white and pink blossoms.

Another step back.

We had lunch with Shelle and talked about writing, and I’ll say that girl can write anything. Spelling and rules of grammar be damned, she could write circles on the floor and I’d want to read. It’s been almost 20 years since she has written anything; she’s up and out of the thick of it, she’s going places. She mentioned and it wasn’t even nonchalant, it was offhand because she had forgotten about it, that oh yeah she broke up with her guy the night before. She explained she was in dance class and another girl said, “I think I’ll break up with my boyfriend today,” and apparently that made Shelle go Huh. And she said it was the easiest breakup ever.

One step forward.

Saturday night Shelle came over to see a movie. We invited her to come see it because it had made us laugh like hyenas on nitrous oxide, but the funniest parts are also completely impossible to relate. I know, because I tried to tell a coworker all about it, and she looked at me like I had grown jackass ears. So just see it. Me and You and Everyone We Know. ((<>))